'Stronger Together for Spinal' Fundraiser

As part of The GO2 People employee community sponsorship program, the team at Hunter Executive Search Consultants recently supported the ‘Stronger Together for Spinal’ fundraiser.

The program empowers employees to invest in organisations or individuals that are close to their hearts and homes. This charity is close to Hunter Executive’s Jayde Stokes, founded and run by close friends Kath and Dave.

The funds raised will go towards spinal cord research and supporting individuals and families affected by spinal cord injuries. By participating in this event, we are not only helping to raise funds for an important cause, but also to raise awareness of the challenges faced by those with spinal cord injuries.

This sponsorship reflects our corporate values of giving back and making a positive impact in our community.

To learn more about 'Stronger Together for Spinal', go to the website for more information - https://www.strongertogetherforspinal.com.au/.



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