Psychometric Testing
Psychometric testing is a method which is used to measure an individual’s mental capabilities and behavioural styles. This can then be assessed to help determine that individual’s suitability to a position.
Psychometric testing can play a valuable role in the recruitment process by helping to ensure that employees are suitable for the role they are hired for and also that their personality is aligned with the company and team.
Psychometric testing can cover a various different abilities including sales and business development, mental aptitude, cognitive, personality and team work. Our in-house specialists can tailor a Psychometric test to match the level and type of position you are trying to fill.
The benefits of psychological assessment include:
Better informed hiring decisions
Increased accuracy of selection process
Decreased risk of personal bias in the selection process
Decreased risk of unsuccessful hires
Reduced cost of re-hiring due to poor selection
Greater employee retention
Greater employee fit with the company culture, role and team
Assisting with future staff performance and development
Assisting with management and supervising decisions
There are various tests available which are designed to assess a candidate’s personality and capabilities. and we can help you by customising a psychological assessment to fit the needs of your process.
We offer a variety of tests from our CBD office including; Aptitude Tests, Critical Reasoning, Abstract Reasoning, Personality and Behavioural Assessments and Emotional Intelligence.
Our testing is fully customizable but our 3 most popular packages include:
Technical Specialist Roles Assessment
Middle-Senior Management Assessment
Executive Assessment
Results are usually available within 48 hours and a written report providing comprehensive findings is provided with telephone support available to help with questions.
Tests are customisable and pricing varies depending on requirements, but most tests can be completed for $ 800 + GST
To find out more, please Contact us and we will be happy to help